Hi There! I am Nisha, a Food Photographer, Stylist and Writer, based in Chennai and Bangalore.  I have always been passionate about exploring various cultures and cuisines and chronicling them via creative mediums, such as cooking, writing, and photography. 
I am excited to combine all my passions under one roof - NiRam Creatives. 
Niram, a Tamil word, holds a fascinating dual meaning. It has a literal translation to 'colour', but it also carries a deeper significance that transcends physical appearance. In the figurative sense, it refers to the character or quality of a thing or person, capturing the intangible qualities that define it. 
Work with us
Your business is one-of-a-kind, and we believe your story deserves to be told in a way that's as unique as you are.  Whether you own a restaurant, café, magazine, cookbook or blog, we'll work with you to produce content that genuinely reflects your brand and sets you apart from the competition. 
Let us help you share your tale with the world and make your mark in the world of food and lifestyle!​​​​​​​ Have a look at my full range of creative services and find out how I can support your project. 
For general inquiries, bookings, collaborations, or just a cup of coffee, write to me at nisha@niramcreatives.com or use the form below. I will get in touch with you within 1-2 business days.​​​​​​​ 
Thank you!
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